Published on 22 Apr 2012

YOG Champion Kim climbed up London's 25m Pistol Women podium


A Youth Olympic Champion, qualified for the 2012 London Games, finished on the highest step of the 25m Pistol Women podium at the Royal Artillery Barracks Olympic venue, in the frame of the ISSF World Cup Series and of the London Prepares Series.

Korea’s 10m Air Pistol Youth Olympic Games reigning champion Kim Jang Mi won the 25m Pistol Women event at the 2012 ISSF World Cup in all events in London.
The 19-year old shooter made it to the final with a large advantage of 4 points on her followers, after scoring 592 points during the qualification rounds.

Firing four good series over 50 points, she secured her leadership, finishing on the highest step of the podium with a total score of 796.9 points (592+204.9), setting a new Final World Record, shattering the previous record of 796.7 points marked by Bulgaria’s Olympic Champion Grozdeva in 2005.

Winning the Gold medal on the lines of the Olympic venue, the young shooter confirmed to be one of the shooters to look at, at the next Olympics. Korea’s team selections are still open, but it will be difficult to leave her home, after she scored a new final world record and beat former Olympic Champions. Outstanding results, even without considering the fact that Kim had never participated in an ISSF World Cup, before.

“We are still selecting the Korean Olympic team. So I consider this competition more as a step in my preparation.” Kim said after the final.

“I did not expect such a result. It’s nice to win a medal in the Olympic Final Hall, and I am happy about my final world record. I hope I will be here in July.” She added.

The battle for today’s Silver medal kept the spectators breathless, at the Royal Artillery Barracks Final Hall. The winner of last year’s ISSF World Cup Final Bronze medal, France’s Celine Goberville, fought against the 2004 Olympic Silver medallist, Lenka Maruskova, along the whole final match.
The two shooters exchanged position in second and third place after every competition series. Eventually, the Silver medal went to the 25 year old France shooter Celine Goberville, who climbed upon the second step of the podium with an overall score of 791.2 points (after shooting today’s best final, 205.2 points).

Lenka Maruskova, the winner of last year’s World Cup Final, finished in Bronze position with 790.4 points.

Beijing’s Olympic Bronze medallist Munkhbayar Dorjsuren of Germany finished in fourth place 789.5 points, while at the same time, the reigning Olympic Champion, China’s Chen Ying, closed the match in fifth with 787.6 points.