Published on 26 May 2015

FITAV Summer Camps: 2015 edition at the starting blocks

FITAV Summer Camp - press release

The 2015 edition of the FITAV summer camp will kick off in Italy on June 24

After the great achievements of the first edition which saw  the participation of 43 young athletes coming from five different countries, a new FITAV Summer Camp promoted by the Italian Shooting Sport Federation will take place at the Tav Umbriaverde of Massa Martana, from June 24 trough July 8, this year. The Summer Camp is organized of two sessions of one week for each, and FITAV offers the possibility to take part in one or both the events. At the end of each session a “FITAV Summer Camps” competition will be held.

The core of the Summer Camp is a top-level Shooting training course, which is held by the international A and B level coaches, physical trainers and mental coaches. The courses will be organized for boys and girls divided in different age classes between 10 and 20 years of age, who will be assigned to different classes depending on their level and skills. But it’s not only about shooting: side cultural and educational activities will also be planned for the young athletes to enjoy their time in Italy.

For more informations, please check the website